The Elusive Samurai
Set between the Kamakura and Muromachi periods, during the Kenmu Restoration, the story follows the tale of Hojo Tokiyuki, a boy on the run after his family is overthrown by Ashikaga Takauji. With his only allies being a shady priest and his followers, the young lord must seek revenge and regain his glory, with his only weapon: a superhuman ability to flee and hide.
Views: 48
Genre: Action & Adventure, Animation
Actors: Aoi Yuki, Asaki Yuikawa, Hinaki Yano, Kikunosuke Toya, Mari Hino, Sayumi Suzushiro, Yuichi Nakamura
Studio: Aniplex, CloverWorks
TV Status: Returning Series
Duration: 24 min
Release: 2024
TMDb: 8.7
Networks: Gunma TVTokyo MXBS11Tochigi TV
Keywords:Aoi Yuki Asaki Yuikawa go movies series Hinaki Yano Kikunosuke Toya Mari Hino Sayumi Suzushiro watch series go Watch 逃げ上手の若君 Watch 逃げ上手の若君 Full Series watchseries Yuichi Nakamura 逃げ上手の若君 Online 逃げ上手の若君 Putlockers